Health Briefs 12-21-15
n The Safe Sitter program, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 29, Community Room 1, main lobby, Uniontown Hospital. During the class the child will learn about safety for the sitter, safety precautions to prevent accidents from happening, how and when to call for help, basic life saving techniques, age appropriate entertainment, etc. This course is recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics. There is a $17.50 fee. Pre-registration required: 724-430-6925.
Support groups
n Caring Corner Grief Support Program for families and children, 6-8 p.m. every Monday, East End United Community Center, Uniontown. Information: 724-437-1660.
n Survivors of Incest Anonymous meeting, 6:30-8 p.m. every Monday, Mount St. Macrina Retreat Center, Uniontown. The group is a 12-step recovery program for people 18 or older who were sexually abused by a trusted person as a child. Information: or
n Silver Generation Support Program, 10 a.m. to noon every Wednesday, East End United Community Center. The program is for adults ages 55 and older. Information: 724-437-1660.
n Al-Anon Family Groups, 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Trinity Church basement, Fayette and Morgantown streets, Uniontown and 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Christian Church, Pittsburgh Street, Connellsville. These meetings are for anyone who has been affected by or is having problems from someone else’s drinking. Information: or
n Celebrate Recovery meetings, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays, Third Presbyterian Church, 425 Union St., Uniontown; and 10 a.m. Saturdays, Abundant Life Church, 1239 Brownfield Road, Uniontown. The program is based upon biblical principles with the purpose of letting God restore the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. For information about Saturday meetings: 724-
n Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA has a support group for women who have been or who currently are in abusive relationships. It is a confidential, low-pressure, safe place. Information: 724-223-9190 or 800-791-4000 in Washington, 724-852-2463 in Greene or 724-439-9500 in Fayette.
n Crime Victims’ Center of Fayette County provides quality services for all victims and families of sexual assault and other violent crimes. Most services are free, and all services are strictly confidential. Information: 724-438-1470; Crisis Hotline: 724-437-3737.
Community events
n Women’s Mobile Clinic will be located at 100 New Salem Road, Uniontown, at the Fayette County Health Center 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Wednesday. Walk-ins will be seen according to time availability, but you are encouraged to schedule an appointment by calling 888-351-8725.
n The Crime Victims’ Center of Fayette County is offering volunteer training to individuals 18 and older interested in helping survivors of sexual assault and other crimes. Training will start soon and is free of charge. Information and applications: 724-438-1470.
n Wesley Health Center in Connellsville offers free retinal screenings for people who do not have eye insurance. People who have diabetes or a family history of diabetes are at risk of blindness or other eye diseases. To make an appointment: 724-626-2610.
n A counselor for the nonprofit organization Breastfeeding USA is available to offer information and support in the form of support groups, phone support by means of text or phone call, email support, Facebook support, home visits and one-on-one prenatal counseling prior to the delivery. All services are free. For more information contact Mallary E. Powell: 724-557-0857, or go to the Breastfeeding USA Southwestern Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh Area Chapter Facebook page.