Words from the web
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday shows Donald Trump maintaining his lead among GOP presidential candidates, but it also shows that half of Americans, mostly Democrats and Independents, would be embarrassed to have him as their president. What do you think? Are you OK with Trump being elected president or would you be embarrassed?
“I think they should have Democratic and Republican candidates on the stage together in a super debate.”
“Give them bats and have them hooked up to electric collars that zap them every time they lie.”
“I’m an Independant forever and I am voting for Trump. Hillary will finish what Obama started, and Sanders is a kook. Rubio is a punk, Jeb is a Hillary and Christie is a bum. I want to see a Trump/Cruz ticket. We’d definitely win the White House then.”
“Just remember that one in five Americans are on some sort of government assistance. There are over 94 million people not working. Race relations in America are at their worst. Can’t forget Obama’s good buddies like Jeremiah Wright, the terrorist, Bill Ayers, his mentor Communist Frank Marshall Davis and Chicago Mafia Tony Rezko. All are very upstanding Americans. Donald Trump is a saint compared to these idiots. Sure wish people would have an open mind and think for themselves.”
“Trump’s supporters are as equally embarrassing as their candidate. They should know better, but they choose not to. I contend that anyone who supports that man is an idiot, and I’m not wasting my time talking to idiots.”
“How about an article on Sanders and his extraordinary understanding of economics? Or one on Hillary’s treasonous email scandal, or the truth about Benghazi?”
“Pretty much all news sources are riding the ratings Trump wave.”
“Calling all Trump supporters ‘dumb’ — there’s intelligent discussion. Name-calling is such a sign of maturity. I’m sure supporters of Mrs. Clinton are so much more intelligent and enlightened. She’s the epitome of honesty and integrity, while dodging gunfire, and certainly her tenure as secretary of state raised our standing and made us safer. So much for foreign policy experience. If you do not like Trump, fine. Don’t get personal, people, unless you can walk on the water with Jesus as well.”