Three charged in South Union shooting attempt
Three Uniontown residents face attempted homicide charges following an incident Wednesday night in which shots were fired on Ashley Street in South Union Township.
Facing charges are Kenyetta Lewis, 23, her brother, Cornell “Nizz” Neal, 26, and his girlfriend, Kayla Farrar, 26, all of Uniontown.
According to state police, the incident was preceded by an argument between Cianna Jo Reilly and Farrar around 3 p.m. over a work T-shirt and then again around 10 p.m. after Reilly confronted another person for driving fast down her street. Reilly told police that Farrar and a group of people then came toward her on foot down the street and Farrar yelled that she was going to get her boyfriend after Reilly.
Reilly told police she was familiar with Farrar’s boyfriend, Neal, in person and through Facebook.
According to the affidavit of probable cause filed with the charges Reilly’s mother, Amy Rigger, came out of her house and told police she heard Farrar state “I’m going to have PC (Pershing Court) come down ‘ere and blow this place up.” Another person, John Sullivan, who had also come out of Rigger’s house, told police he heard Farrar say “I’m going to make a phone call and have her house shot up.”
Farrar reportedly was seen talking on a mobile phone and three to five minutes later a light colored vehicle pulled onto Ashley Street and stopped, with both doors opening.
Reilly told police a woman she recognized as Lewis got out of the driver’s door and pulled the slide on a handgun before pointing it in her direction and firing. Reily ran into her residence unharmed. Lewis reportedly got out of the passenger side of the car.
Sullivan and Rigger reportedly ran into Rigger’s residence unharmed, with approximately 12 shots fired before Farar and Neal got back into their car and left.
Another neighbor, Christopher Ashton, Told police he heard what sounded like fireworks outside, then heard something strike the side of his house. At that point he noticed that the living room window and been broken and that something had struck a plaque on the wall before lodging in another wall of the residence. Ashton’s children, ages 11, 10, 8 and 3, were asleep on the living room couch at the time.
Lewis Thursday morning told Uniontown city police that her Ruger P140 .40 caliber handgun had been taken from her residence at 70 Pershing Court along with $200 in cash and a pair of Nike Jordan shoes. Lewis said the items were taken while she was out of her house for three or four days while the apartment was sprayed to treat a flea infestation. Lewis told police that while the door was locked, she had left windows partially open.
State police filed charges of criminal attempt homicide, criminal attempt to discharge a firearm into an occupied structure, aggravated assault and recklessly endangering another person against Lewis. Neal and Farrar each face a single count of criminal attempt homicide.