Words from the web
Days after the United Nations voted to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, Donald Trump questioned its effectiveness Monday, saying it’s just a club for people to “have a good time.” What do you think? Do you think the UN still has a place in today’s world or has it outlived its usefulness?
“The UN should be abolished.”
“What has the UN done. They’ve taken our tax money, but they never stopped North Korea, Iran, Iraq or the many African warlords. It never did a thing about Castro and Cuba, genocide in China, Africa and the Middle East. The UN sides with dictators and terrorists and abusers of human rights, women’s rights and the rights of children world wide. We should send the UN to Europe or Africa or China!”
“In actual terms of effect, they are like the Queen of England. The UN is figurehead with no actual power. Why spend zillions on it?”
“Zillions! Wow! Who knew?”
“Yeah, I believe the actual number is more than $7 billion, so based on worth, yeah, I’ll go with zillions. That imaginary monetary figure is as imaginary as what we actually get in return on that payment.”
“The United Nations should be dissolved. Or just move it to Syria.”
“Those of you who want to dissolve the UN are idiots. Seriously. Who among you would rather fight than talk to resolve a problem? The level of acrimony and ignorance among Trump voters in our country is appalling.Trump loves the poorly educated, and he’s got a lot of people to love around here.”
“The UN might need to be revamped. It does humanitarian efforts very well. There will always be acrimony within the members, but it does not seem to be effective in other areas. Israel is an ally of the US and needs to be protected. When we abandon that country, we have lost a great ally in a needed area of the world.”