Words from the web
Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee, endorsed Donald J. Trump in Iowa on Tuesday. Do you think this will help or hurt Trump? Does her support make it more likely that you’ll support Trump? Or does her endorsement make it more likely that you’ll never support Trump?
“Did Palin, the failed former governor from Alaska endorse Trump? How did I miss that?”
“It’s the kiss of death. What has she ever hitched her wagon to that didn’t fail?”
“She’s been terrific at the dumbing down of America, an objective which I am sure she was concerned she would not achieve.”
“John McCain gets his revenge. He has to be having a good laugh over this.”
“A reality TV celeb supports another reality TV celeb? How can you not vote for that?”
“Just hearing her voice makes me throw up a little.”
“Where are the Trump supporters that are usually on here? They are quiet today.”
“Trump does not need endosements. Sarah knows what’s best.”
“I wonder if Donald was really happy to get her support. He has to know it won’t really help him.”
“I don’t see this changing things much. He already had the Palin supporters. All 10 of them.”
“Well, to be truthful, I liked listening to Trump, but would never voted for any Republican regardless. The only thing worse than having Palin endorse him would be having ISIS or Putin’s endorsement. In her own little pathetic mind she thinks people like and respect her opinion, which is far from the truth.”
“Trump is still way better than Hillary or Sanders. How many of you Trump haters would vote for the first person to run for president while being investigated by the FBI or a candidate who is a socialist / communist. Just shows how far the Democrat Party as fallen. The Republicans have more choices.”
“No one really cares. Bad just got worse.”
“That is right.”
“They deserve each other.”
“I’m not a fan of Trump, but he is better than the two nuts representing the Democrats.”
“Trump said if he’s elected president, Sarah Palin will have a place in his government. That’s a very scary thought. What would she be qualified to do besides the laundry.”
“Trump already had the clueless white demographic locked down. So I don’t see this really helping Trump all that much. And it might hurt because a lot of people don’t like Palin.”
“Reminds me of Popeye and Olive Oyl. Only Popeye was a good guy.”
“Well, Sarah has a funny way of cozying up to rich Republicans. So, this really comes as no surprise to anyone.”
“Good luck, Donald. You’re going to need it.”