Words from the web
President Trump recently tweeted a video showing him beating up a man with a CNN logo on his face. The video was criticized by many as not befitting the president of the United States. Members of the media were especially critical, saying the president was encouraging violence against reporters. What do you think of the tweet?
“I just wish he’d stop the drama and do what he’s supposed to do.”
“So, the media can criticize Trump all they want, and he’s not supposed to say anything back. I don’t think so.”
“Look at all this stuff the Democrats are doing, from shooting Republicans to hanging the president.”
“You have a great argument there all except that none of those people are president of the United States. This was the highest office in the world but then people thought it would be cool to vote for the joke of the land. As far as the guy who shot Scalise, he was crazy. Do you want me to post all the names of the crazy killers who claim to be conservative.”
“Bill Clinton did a pretty good job of disgracing the White House himself. Trump hasn’t done anything like that. Come on.”
“Bill Clinton didn’t promote violence, and he didn’t have the entire world against us. Donald Trump has had more than his fair share of affairs too. He’s much worse than Bill Clinton ever was.”
“I can’t respect a man who cheats, lies, deceives and thinks he’s above our laws. Trump should be impeached.”
“If ‘Saturday Night Live’ or one of the late-night comedians did this as part of their show it would be accepted. I’m just very tired of the ridicule going both ways. When can the country just move on?”
“It would be accepted because that is what ‘SNL’ does. It’s funny stupid stuff, not what a person who holds the highest office of this country should be doing, unless of course it is to once again prove just how stupid he is.”
“Donald Trump will never do what he’s supposed to, and we shouldn’t sit by and hope he will. People need to stand up and fight against this regime.”
“I thought it was great and hilarious. The media is ruthless. They go right in for the kill when it comes toTrump but yet the media doesn’t like it when Trump pushes back. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.”