Is it possible for a sermon to be spiritual and practical at the same time?
Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 12:14-20. Text: “. . . for whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.” Romans 14:23/b and: “but test everything; hold fast to what is good;” 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
The two most often heard criticisms concerning the sermons preached in the churches are: they are not “modern” that is, they do not mean much to the technologically-minded people, and they are too biblical and not practical.
This time we wish to satisfy our critics as much as we are able. From the two Bible quotations that are used as our text, the first one is spiritual and the other one practical. Our Lord used those objects or activities of his time that were well-known. Following in His footsteps we wish to refer to “a machinery” that is known and used by millions, the car, in the hope we can make the right connections between our observations and God’s teachings on a higher level.
The last verses of our Script. reading. We talk about “A CAR” yet it consists of many parts. When we drive it we use many of its parts and instruments. How smoothly would that automobile transport people if one person were to handle the ignition key, the other the steering wheel, the third one the gas and brake pedals, and the fourth one the turn signals, light switches, and the windshield wipers? Would this car be safe on the road? We should agree it is best when only one person operates this vehicle.
This person must know how it functions, know the destination of the traveler, and observe the traffic laws. Nice weather is a plus for a joyful ride.
Several denominations like to emphasize “WE ARE DEMOCRATIC” that is the people decide; however, is it possible that every decision is made by the majority of the members? Safe driving requires knowledge of the driver as how to operate the vehicle and his responsibility is for the safety of the passengers. Does a constant critic in a congregation resemble a back-seat driver? In this respect, is there a similarity between driving a car and the service of a congregation? On a higher level there are two very important lessons to learn:
– the car needs ENERGY to move ahead and it uses a well constructed motor and the fuel in the gas tank to become physical energy. Many – especially the ladies – do not pay much attention to the process of how the chemical energy (gasoline) becomes a physical one which is revolving the wheels. We are chiefly interested in a smooth, comfortable, and safe ride. Does the church need SPIRITUAL ENERGY to serve, praise God, bear witness, and practice charity?
– You do not need special technological knowledge to realize that between two moving metal parts “FRICTION” will occur. What is used to diminish the friction among the moving parts and to avoid a breakdown? Obviously: OIL! The better the oil that is used, the better and longer the motor will function. It is advisable to check often the level of the oil in the engine.
– Due to our conflict of interests, personalities, and convictions is there a given “FRICTION” among us? FRICTION could easily lead to FRACTION. Does the church family live in harmony? Is there understanding among each of the families? If NOT then what would be that OIL that would reduce the friction? I cannot find anything else but what our Lord left as his legacy: “‘I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.'” John 13:34.
– There is a lesser-known part of the car, the shock absorber, and its name defines its purpose. How many of us would be willing to assume this role in our daily life. The shock absorbers’ role is really felt when they are worn out. It is easier to appreciate the role of the shock absorbers on a rough road with potholes than on a smooth road without potholes! We are convinced that love, faith, hope, good intention, and forgiveness are interwoven and a believing heart will become much easier a loving heart. Going back to the car; what is the final purpose of a ride? To arrive safely! How do you wish to arrive at work in the morning, at home in the evening, and, ultimately, at the end of your life when you are before the judgment seat of God? Please, keep in mind, not only cars are recalled the by their makers.