Jeremy Saliba questionnaire
Saliba Q&A
College or university you plan to attend? University of Pittsburgh
Course of study? Biological Sciences
Favorite high school subject and favorite teacher? Science/Mr. Brown
What will you miss most about high school? Seeing my friends at school and baseball practice every day.
Most memorable sports moment? Earning the win on the mound my sophomore year against South Park.
Favorite food? Meatloaf and mashed potatoes
Most recent book you’ve read? Above the Line by Urban Meyer
All-time favorite movie? 42
All-time favorite song or singer/group? No answer
Professional athlete you admire most? Corey Kluber
Who has had the greatest influence on you as an athlete? My father
In 10 years, I will be … ? Hopefully, graduating medical school and looking for a job.
If I were President of the United States for one day, I would … ? Try to be the best leader that I can be.