Amanda Knapp Applause

The Education Council of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce recently honored Amanda Knapp of Chalk Hill, a junior at Geibel Catholic High School, as a student of the month for March.
A daughter of Timothy Knapp and Eileen Campbell-Knapp, she plans to attend Point Park University or the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science to study mortuary science with the career goal of becoming a mortician/funeral director.
Knapp has received eight scholastic art awards and an honorable mention at the Westmoreland Arts Festival. She is a member of the French Honor Society and serves as treasurer.
She is involved in the extracurricular activities at Geibel, including the poetry club and International Club.
Knapp is a volunteer waitress at her church, a member of the church youth group and a Feed Fayette volunteer.
Elected by their schools based on academic achievement, extra curricular activities, and citizenship, students of the month are honored by the chamber’s Education Council. They were presented a recognition certificate at the Students of the Month Dinner in April.