Recent arrests 3-15-18
The following charges were filed in magisterial courts in Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland counties March 3-4. Those listed are innocent until proven guilty.
Fayette County
Magisterial District Judge Michael Metros
Robert Lee, 48, of Uniontown was charged with burglary, theft and receiving stolen property.
James Boord, 55, of Uniontown was charged with criminal trespass, stalking and harassment.
Magisterial District Judge Nathan Henning
Christopher L. Bailey, 36, of Oliver was charged with disorderly conduct, endangering the welfare of children, resisting arrest and harassment.
Magisterial District Judge Daniel Shimshock
Jeffrey S. Leadbeater, 46, of Smithfield was charged with burglary and criminal trespass.
Magisterial District Judge Richard Kasunic II
Gene M. Anderson, 35, of Belle Vernon was charged with theft and receiving stolen property.
Greene County
Magisterial District Judge David Balint
Christy L. McCarty, 45, of Waynesburg was charged with retaliation against a witness or victim, simple assault and reckless endangerment.
Washington County
Magisterial District Judge Joshua Kanalis
Jon A. Crowe Jr., 25, of Brownsville was charged with simple assault.