Mackenzie Sherwood Applause

The Education Council of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce recently honored Mackenzie Sherwood of Vanderbilt, a junior at Connellsville Career and Technical Center, as a student of the month for February.
A daughter of Richard Sherwood, Jr. and Kisha Huffine, she plans to attend Carlow University or California University of Pennsylvania to study Allied Health with the career goal of becoming a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant.
Sherwood has previously been a student of the month, receives high honors, received Academic Excellence and Protective Services Awards and was in the Snow Princess Court.
She is very involved in extracurricular activities including student council where she is secretary, Students Against Destructive Decisions, school store committee, fundraising committee, student concerns committee and liaison committee.
Sherwood’s community involvement includes Salvation Army toy distribution.
Elected by their schools based on academic achievement, extra curricular activities, and citizenship, students of the month are honored by the chamber’s Education Council. They will be presented a recognition certificate at the Student of the Month Dinner in April.