Kaitlyn Garsteck Applause

The Education Council of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce recently honored Kaitlyn Garsteck of Mount Pleasant, a junior at Geibel Catholic High School, as a student of the month for February.
A daughter of Kristine and Robert Garsteck, she plans to attend Duquesne University to study pharmacy with the career goal of becoming a pharmacist.
Garteck is a member of the National Junior Honor Society.
Her community involvement includes teaching Vacation Bible School at her church and working for Church Fairs.
She also has work experience at Cracker Barrel and babysitting,
Garsteck is involved in the extracurricular activities at Geibel, including chamber choir, Showstoppers, the musical and Mu Alpha Theta.
Elected by their schools based on academic achievement, extra curricular activities, and citizenship, students of the month are honored by the chamber’s Education Council. They will be presented a recognition certificate at the Students of the Month Dinner in April.