Mikayla Golden Applause

Mikayla Golden
The Education Council of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce recently honored Mikayla Sue Golden of Uniontown, a junior at Laurel Highlands High School, as a student of the month for February.
A daughter of Susan and Shawn Golden, she plans to attend California University of Pennsylvania to study elementary education K-4,with a minor in special education. Her career goal is to become an elementary school teacher.
Golden has perfect attendance and is a highest honor roll student.
She has work experience with the Fayette County Church Basketball League.
Her community involvement includes being a member of the Teen Panel for the Strengthening Family Program, a Sunday school teacher’s aide at the Shady Grove Church, music leader for Vacation Bible School, a member of the Shady Grove Youth Group, a member of the 4-H Swine Club, 4-H Scholarship Auction and Concession Stand volunteer.
Golden is involved in the extracurricular activities at Laurel Highlands, including marching band, symphonic band, Spanish club, ski club, Junior Achievement, student council and class council.
Elected by their schools based on academic achievement, extra curricular activities, and citizenship, students of the month are honored by the chamber’s Education Council. They will be presented a recognition certificate at the Students of the Month Dinner in April.
The Laurel Highlands Students of the Month (second semester) were sponsored by Vern Allen Tire Inc.