

By Ap 31 min read

NEW YORK (AP) — Tuesday’s prices for
NYSE listed most active stocks:
AESCorp .66 89511 13.91 13.35 13.75+.04
AMCEntrs 234334 10.26 9.15 9.86+.53
AT&TInc 1.11 347565 14.59 14.29 14.58+.17
AbbottLab 2.04 82842 93.01 91.26 92.14-.04
Alibaba 81410 84.36 82.56 83.91-.40
AllyFincl 1.20f 82440 25.75 24.82 25.40+.27
Ambev .05e 87759 2.57 2.51 2.52-.04
Amcor .48 84451 8.92 8.78 8.85-.04
ArkInnova .78e 136829 39.44 38.00 39.18+.65
Avantor 94584 21.82 21.32 21.55-.02
BPPLC 1.74f 88637 40.82 40.31 40.81+.59
BcoBrad .04a 156452 2.95 2.87 2.89-.05
BkofAm .96f 952981 27.87 26.72 27.62+.63
BkNYMel 1.88f
171576 43.92 39.66 43.44+1.60
Barclay .15e 92118 7.65 7.51 7.59+.05
BarrickGld 2.82e
186000 16.43 15.77 16.42+.61
BaytexEn 73021 4.46 4.29 4.37+.02
BostonSci 74238 51.04 49.49 50.46+.36
BrMySq 2.28 132233 57.65 56.98 57.37+.20
Carnival 223786 12.66 12.23 12.50+.14
CarrGlb .74f 73231 53.37 52.34 52.90-.25
ChrgePt 180625 3.65 3.30 3.64+.26
Chevron 6.04f
75317 168.20 164.65 167.59+2.19
Citigroup 2.12f 202523 41.67 40.60 41.20+.25
Clarivate 100566 7.26 6.79 6.99-.19
CocaCola 1.84f 164503 54.10 53.21 54.07+.64
ColgPalm 1.92 100845 72.29 71.22 72.08-.07
DeltaAir .40 102971 35.19 34.27 34.68+.26
DevonE .80f 94737 49.94 48.98 49.93+.53
DxSCBer 115371 33.57 30.100 31.77-1.15
DirSPBr 230540 15.30 14.71 14.92
DxSOXBr 808202 11.48 10.50 10.73+.26
DxTcBr 91372 15.28 14.39 14.63+.20
DirSPXBr 94520 14.71 14.53 14.60+.02
DxBiotBll 312943 3.48 3.22 3.31
DxSOXBl 897832 19.76 17.91 19.30-.51
Dir30TrBul 555093 4.31 4.14 4.26-.15
DrxSCBull .41e
153354 28.27 26.18 27.63+.96
DrxSPBull 141849 83.56 80.35 82.37-.06
Disney 99701 86.29 85.31 86.20+.49
E2open 74824 3.13 2.90 3.11+.10
Enbridge 2.67 76974 33.02 32.43 32.59-.56
EgyTrnsfr 1.23f
104119 13.98 13.84 13.84-.06
ExxonMbl 3.64
197455 111.80 109.68 111.39+1.44
FstHorizon .60 92130 10.98 10.54 10.87+.26
FordM .60a 404658 12.17 11.85 12.04+.11
FrptMcM .30 113324 36.67 35.21 36.48+.63
fuboTV 111428 2.72 2.48 2.70+.17
Gap .60f 97759 12.70 11.90 12.46+.41
GenMotors .36 198068 30.61 29.78 30.33+.27
GinkgoBi 146507 1.77 1.64 1.74+.06
GpTelevisa 97703 2.91 2.59 2.60-.28
HPEnt .48 73746 17.13 16.85 16.98-.13
Hubbell 4.48
111903 304.73 298.75 299.65-4.38
iShBrHiY 74278 34.20 34.05 34.07-.16
iShBrazil .67e 191173 31.01 30.31 30.64-.13
iShSilver 163867 21.09 20.73 20.92+.24
iShChinaLC .87e
224824 26.56 26.28 26.45-.20
iShUSAgBd 2.65e
81707 92.69 92.35 92.45-.67
iShEMkts .59e 242516 38.23 37.82 38.04-.10
iShiBoxIG 3.87
242203 100.22 99.56 99.88-.80
iShCorUSTr .33
226723 21.78 21.72 21.75-.13
iSh20yrT 3.05 528972 85.63 84.51 85.25-.95
iSEafe 1.66e 121551 69.29 68.35 68.97+.04
iShiBxHYB 5.09
509487 72.61 72.29 72.39-.34
iShR2K 1.77e
396521 176.42 171.90 174.95+1.93
iShREst 2.76e 106603 79.82 78.26 78.80-.22
iShCorEafe 1.56e
88765 64.49 63.62 64.23+.03
iShCorEM .95e 75516 47.87 47.39 47.67-.11
ItauUnH 149366 5.49 5.38 5.42-.04
JPMorgCh 4.20f
114788 149.31 146.79 147.53-.32
JohnJn 5.19f
122386 158.95 154.61 156.09-1.44
Kenvuen 187498 19.90 19.01 19.78+.24
Keycorp .82f 212948 11.19 10.59 11.08+.36
KindMorg 1.11f 152520 17.44 17.24 17.33+.05
Kinrossg .12 121986 5.32 5.10 5.31+.16
KrSChIn 2.58e
113741 27.35 26.85 27.10-.37
LloydBkg .16e 112689 2.13 2.08 2.12+.01
LumenTch 117590 1.43 1.33 1.42+.07
Macys .66f 127685 11.59 10.88 11.47+.53
MarathnO .40f 95273 28.96 28.41 28.63+.18
MedProp .60m 112241 5.16 4.88 5.06+.07
Medtrnic 2.72f 79359 73.24 71.33 72.81+1.06
MorgStan 3.10 123066 80.63 77.98 80.33+1.60
NCRAtln 154855 22.82 19.75 21.34
NYCmtyB .68 96452 10.98 10.66 10.86+.12
NewmntCp 1.60m
93516 40.94 40.01 40.47+.42
NextEraEn 1.87f
133638 54.84 53.55 54.17-.21
NikeB 1.36 92529 103.59 101.97 103.01+.97
NokiaCp .19e 268357 3.53 3.47 3.49-.11
Nomura 81518 4.06 3.95 4.02+.02
NorwCruis 100397 15.25 14.73 15.14+.18
NuHldg 202375 7.99 7.78 7.88-.02
OcciPet .72f 72737 65.70 64.99 65.53+.16
OntoInno 95521 129.72 121.41 127.83-1.50
Organon 1.12 680027 16.94 16.30 16.44-.42
PG&ECp 105469 16.46 16.20 16.35-.06
Pagsegur 127492 7.91 7.63 7.80+.09
Palantir 541669 18.03 16.91 17.84+.48
PermResn 75215 15.27 14.92 15.16+.13
Petrobras 2.87e
224801 16.22 15.76 16.16+.37
Pfizer 1.60f 400045 33.19 32.20 32.75-.52
Pinterest 80963 28.26 27.43 28.00+.49
PrShFuts 286873 16.66 15.17 16.11+.58
PrUlSP500 104412 43.99 42.30 43.35-.04
ProShtQQQ 289420 10.76 10.58 10.63+.04
ProShSP 266471 14.35 14.16 14.23
PrUShD3 75602 25.47 24.77 25.10-.04
RaythTch 2.36f 80321 74.92 73.35 73.89-.09
RegionsFn .96f 83434 16.98 16.44 16.79+.25
Roblox 89191 31.21 30.00 31.00+.59
SpdrGold 82231 179.13 177.98 178.29+.33
S&P500ETF 4.13e
751183 438.14 432.45 436.02-.02
SpdrBiot .44e 96422 71.47 69.59 70.30+.09
SpdLgTr 79068 25.30 24.99 25.20-.28
SpdrS&PRB .74e
215783 42.92 41.11 42.33+.88
SpdrRetl .49e
111162 61.74 59.86 61.26+1.04
Schwab 1f 159875 54.31 52.07 53.69-.03
Shopify 79161 54.46 52.49 54.17+.89
SnapIncA 248097 9.77 9.54 9.69-.03
SwstnEngy 874804 7.40 6.77 7.33+.56
Square 115554 46.38 44.09 45.90+1.14
SPHlthC 1.01e
91497 131.71 130.44 130.99-.18
SPCnSt 1.28e 131901 67.91 67.22 67.78+.29
SPEngy 2.04e 201975 91.41 89.86 91.13+.94
SPDRFncl .46e
419118 33.94 33.40 33.72+.16
SPInds 1.12e
107071 103.82 102.33 103.15+.32
SPTech .78e 76584 170.34 166.90 169.46-.79
SPUtil 1.55e 184789 60.13 59.31 59.75-.16
TaiwSemi 1.56e 79761 91.70 88.52 91.00-.22
Transocn 72900 7.66 7.47 7.58+.07
TruistFn 2.08 127346 29.89 28.51 29.82+.82
Tuppwre 1.08 268585 2.49 2.13 2.18+.16
UberTch 173294 45.26 44.05 44.38-.33
UndrArm 98199 7.55 6.93 7.38+.38
USBancrp 1.92
367208 36.21 32.42 34.89+2.27
USNGas 155915 7.25 7.09 7.18-.10
UntySftw 90999 29.34 27.94 28.97+.59
VFCorp 1.20m
227287 18.59 16.08 18.45+2.26
ValeSA 3.08e 190384 13.54 13.14 13.46+.11
VanEGold .06e 175988 29.57 28.83 29.53+.53
VanEJrGld 73146 34.74 33.75 34.62+.62
VangEmg 1.10e 76074 39.34 38.96 39.14-.17
VangFTSE 1.10e
150630 43.85 43.24 43.65+.01
VerizonCm 2.66f
211623 31.54 31.10 31.51+.26
VirgnGal 94040 1.85 1.70 1.83+.08
VMware 26.81p
106327 169.21 157.17 165.10-13.78
WellsFargo 1.20f
169811 42.37 41.43 41.98+.33
WmsCos 1.79f 83991 36.22 35.66 35.90+.17
Xpeng 74974 15.67 15.10 15.38+.03

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