Local briefs
Relief effort planned State Rep. Peter J. Daley, D-California, Democratic chairman of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, announced that the state Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and PennAg Industries, is coordinating relief efforts for Mississippi livestock farmers whose farms were affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Daley said the department is accepting the following donations:
Bagged livestock feed, barbed wire, electric fencing supplies, hay rings, solar fence chargers, T-posts, T-post clips, T-post drivers, water troughs.
“No one could ever have imagined the devastation Hurricane Katrina was going to cause our neighbors to the south,’ Daley said. “Many farmers lost their livelihoods in this disaster, and this gesture is one small way Pennsylvania can help them reclaim it.’
All supplies will be collected and coordinated at the Farm Show Complex by Barry Shutt, director for the Agriculture Department’s Bureau of Food Distribution. He can be contacted at 717-772-2688 or 717-943-5462.
Cash donations or checks made payable to MCF may be sent to:
Mississippi Cattleman’s Foundation
680 Monroe St., Suite A
Jackson, MS 39202.
Friday is the deadline for the first shipment to Mississippi.
Events announced
Washington Area Humane Society will be busy with special events in the coming weeks.
On Saturday, the organization will present a benefit Hogs For Dogs and Cats Poker Run to raise funds for the WAHS shelter in Eighty Four. The ride will begin at Steel City Harley-Davidson/Honda and end at the Tradesman Inn on Route 40. Registration will run 9 to 11 a.m. at a cost of $15 per rider and $10 per passenger. Free food, refreshments, prizes, a 50/50 event, and a Chinese auction will be featured. Additional information is available from Rick George at 412-997-0898.
Meanwhile, the Humane Society will hold a memorial dedication honoring the late Dr. Al Sorensen, a longtime volunteer and benefactor of the group, Sunday, Sept. 25 at 1:30 p.m. at the sheler.
On Oct. 15, a Hurricane Katrina relief effort fund-raiser will be held from noon to midnight at B&B Tavern, 220 Latimer Ave., Canonsburg. Donations for WAHS and the Katrina pet rescue effort will be accepted. More information is available at 726-746-1050.
The Humane Society’s annual Halloween Pet Costume Contest will be Oct. 28 at Washington Crown Center. Details will be announced later.
Prayer service slated
Vanderbilt United Methodist Church, located on Route 201 in Vanderbilt, will host a prayer service for the victims of Hurricane Katrina on Friday at noon. The public is invited.
Crosskeys plans program
Psychiatric rehabilitation will be the topic Wednesday night at Crosskeys Human Services Inc.
Crosskeys has received a grant through the Fayette County Mental Health/Mental Retardation program to work with William Anthony Kennard, the president and chief executive officer of the Boston Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Consulting Inc. Crosskeys will be opening a new psychiatric rehabilitation program in January at Central Christian Church in Uniontown.
Kennard will be the guest speaker Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Crosskeys, located at 302 Shaffner Ave., Brownsville. The public is welcome to attend to learn more about the program.